Legally ours!

We just got back from the Chongqing Civil Affairs office where we took our official pictures with Hope, gave our orphanage donation, and took a vow to parent her well, and then were declared her legal parents! 😉

Let me just say, to spare you the imagery of the experience, that Hope did not like being there,and it was really traumatic for her! After a huge fit, she konked out.

4 Responses to “Legally ours!”

  1. 1
    Stacy Richards Says:

    What a peanut! This is soooo hard on these little ones! Congratulations on your finalization! ~stacy

  2. 2
    Alida Says:

    CONGRATULATIONS PROUD PARENTS of FOUR awesome kids! God bless your new adventure parenting as a family of 6!

  3. 3
    Judi Ditmer Says:

    Don’t feel bad. Our second daughter gave a pretty good fit too. she was 2 1/2 and old enough to know she was out of her comfort zone.
    Hope has to learn new sounds and learn to trust you completely. It will happen for you better at home.

  4. 4
    Jenny Says:

    Kim — your hair looks A M A Z I N G!!!!

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