About Us

2006.08.14-hawaii-17 Todd and Kim have been happily married for 12 years. Todd works as a technology manager, and enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee and Tennis, and playing music. Kimberly lives an active life home schooling the kids, and running a tutoring business. She also is an avid fan of Starbucks iced tea!


Jonathan is 10 years old, and an amazing guy! He’s funny, he’s a natural artist, and he loves making people laugh! He will be going into 5th grade this year, and is an avid Lego home movie maker! He is also a budding cartoonist, and has made up his own comic strip called Mixed Up Town. Jonathan is a joy to have around, and he is really excited about his sister coming from China!
2006.10.31-07  Abigail is our 8 year old sweetheart. She is always ready to give a word of love and encouragement, and is a tender soul. She loves art, reading, and playing with her little sister and friends. Abigail is the one who inspired our adoption journey. About 2 years ago, she heard about the orphan situation in China, and decided that when she grows up, she would like to adopt a baby from China. She started to save ALL her money from holidays, birthdays, allowances, etc. and to date has $395 saved up! She is our inspiration, and she is VERY excited about the upcoming adoption!
2006.11.23-turkeytrot09 Hannah is our beautiful little 3 year old. She is so full of zest for life, and keeps our family entertained! She is always saying funny little things, and dearly loves her big brother and sister. One of Hannah’s special traits is that she sees angels. She describes them to us, and it is really comforting to hear what she says! She doesn’t seem to have a grasp of time, because every day after her nap she asks, “Is it time to go to China now? Go get your shoes on Mommy!” We love to watch her grow and develop, and its so fun to see her blossom into a little toddler with precious thoughts and opinions.
2007.05.23-hannahbday-006 Charlie is a 9 month old, fun loving, mellow tempered GoldenDoodle who likes to take showers and likes to lick people.